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Japanese puzzle box store from Tokyo
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How to visit us in Tokyo
The nearest station is Gaienmae station on Ginza line, which is only 2 stops away from Shibuya.
It is only 1 minute walk from the exit 1b of Gaienmae station. For more details, please visit our HP
Karakuri small puzzle box No.8
Karakuri small box series used to consist of 8 boxes, but the No.8 was discontinued few years ago. I could acquire a limited number of brand new No.8 small box from my personal connection. They are very limited now and the karakuri group does not have any intention of producing them in the future. (The reason why the price of this box is a little higher than others is that the purchasing price of this box was significantly higher than others. I am sorry). I could get the last 6 pieces this time (now it is down to 2), so this could be the last chance you can buy this from me, unless I can find it elsewhere. It opens with only 3 slides, but the last slide is a little tricky and many people have trouble opening it. The best part of this small box is to let your friends try and observe how they try to open it. It's fun to observe how they fiddle with it! External size: 5 x 5 x 4cm Internal size: 2.2x2.6x1.6cm There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Small box Gravity by Osamu Kasho
This mechanism of this box is almost identical as the “something or nothing” puzzle box created by the same craftsman in 2020. It is a small palm top size box with a little house inlayed on the top of the box. When you turn it around, you will see the whole bottom area can be pushed inside, but it comes back again. The design on the top and the tile are the clue to open the box! It is actually very simple mechanism, but ingenious. I had a trouble opening it, even though I could find out the way it opens after studying these clues. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Craftsman : Osamu Kasho Size (box body) : 60×60×50mm Size (strage space) : 43×43×24mm Material : walnut, wendge, mizuki (dogwood) About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Boxing kangaroo by Yoh Kakuda
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2021 by Mr. Yoh Kakuda. I personally acquired it as a gift in 2021 and I played with it only once so it is in very good condition. His creations have often been cute and more like an object than a box (though they are all boxes and you can store small things in them), so the way they can be opened is often simple and easy. This boxing kangaroo is also very easy to open, but once again it is cute and will be perfect display on your shelf or desk. It comes with the proper original box. Craftsman : Yoh Kakuda Size (box body) :63×111×121mm Size (strage space) :24×20.5×21mm Material : maple, cherry, magnolia, padoauk About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Piles of discs 3 by Mr. Akio Kamei
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2021 by Akio Kamei. I personally acquired it as a gift in 2021 and I played with it only once so it is in very good condition. This is the third creation of the Piles of disk series and he has made several improvements to the mechanism so it operates smoothly. It comes with the proper original box. Craftsman : Akio Kamei Size (box body) :80×80×30 mm Size (strage space) :20×21mm Material : maple, keyaki (zelkova), rose wood About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Moonlit night by Mr. Hideaki Kawashima
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2021 by Hideaki Kawashima. I personally acquired it as a gift in 2021 and I played with it only once so it is in very good condition. I personally like Mr. Kawashima's karakuri boxes a lot, because I like how he makes the mechanical parts of the box. This box has two small storage spaces and it is relatively easy to open them, but how it moves is very interesting and it is also very well made as his works have always been. It comes with the proper original box. Craftsman : Hideaki Kawashima Size (box body) :72×72×75mm Size (strage space) :35×35×14mm×2 Material : magnolia, walnut, keyaki (zelkova) About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Fluctuation box by Mr. Hiroshi Iwahara
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2021 by Hiroshi Iwahara. I personally acquired it as a gift in 2021 and I played with it only once so it is in very good condition. This very unique box is very different from other puzzle boxes. You can move these drawer like parts on the body. When they are position in a right way, the top lid comes off, but it is so hard to get it right. It comes with the proper original box. Craftsman : Hiroshi Iwahara Size (box body) :66×66×90 mm Size (strage space) :17×17×50 mm Material : walnut, maple, chanchin, etc. About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Little shark by Osamu Kasho
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2021 by Osamu Kasho. I personally acquired it as a gift in 2021 and I played with it only once so it is in very good condition. The way it opens is very simple, but I had a trouble opening it because it is made really neat and well, so where you can move is hidden perfectly. I love it. It comes with the proper original box. Craftsman : Osamu Kasho Size (box body) :80×115×45mm Size (strage space) :20×42×26mm Material : walnut, magnolia, mizuki (dogwood) About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2020 and I personally acquired it as a personal collection. I played with it only once and it is in very good condition, completed with the original box. You will find cube shaped droppings on the back of the wombat. When the animal tries to retain his territory, the feces don't roll out and that the clue to open the box. It is very easy to open, but it will be a pretty display item on your shelf or desk. Craftsman : Yoh Kakuda Size (box body) : 44×103×70mm Size (strage space) : 25.5×24.5×28mm Material :walnut, magnolia About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Safe Karakuri box
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2020 and this is the one I personally acquired as a present. I played it only once, so it is in very good condition and it comes with the original box. This is a safe with a combination lock. You have to turn the dial to open this safe, but is it really necessary? Craftsman : Akio Kamei Size (box body) : 112×82×62mm Size (storage part) : 58×38×32mm material : cherry About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Something or nothing
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2020. I personally acquired it as a gift in 2020 and I played with it only once so it is in very good condition. When you place the bottom of the box, the UFO goes up as well. The mystery circle might do something, but may be not. It is actually pretty difficult to open. It comes with the proper original box. Craftsman : Osamu Kasho Size (box body) :80×80×95mm Size (strage space) :47×47×25mm Material :walnut, magnolia,mizuki (dogwood),cherry About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
This box was designed as a Christmas present for 2020 and I personally acquired it as a personal collection. I played with it only once and it is in very good condition, completed with the original box. This box can be opened with considerably fewer steps, but Mr. Kawashima found it is harder to make less moves but still hard enough to enjoy the experience of puzzle box. The theme and the trick are clearer, although you may find it is a little easier compared to his past Christmas presents. Craftsman : Hideaki Kawashima Size (box body) : 70×70×70mm Size (strage space) : 36×36×13mm (Two parts) Material : magnolia, walnut,keyaki (zelkova) About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Expansion New Karakuri puzzle box
This puzzle box is based on the creation of Mr. Kamei in 2012 called Expansion Ⅰ. Wooden puzzle boxes generally open with sliding movement, but this moves totally different from those "usual" puzzle boxes and the title is the clue to solve this puzzle box, though I personally had trouble opening it and could not figure it out, but once you open this box, you will be totally amaze how this box is made, you will be compelled to ask your friends to challenge the box and observe how they suffer! It would be fun to try to open this box with a group of people at a party etc. Size (box body) : 80×80×80mm Size (strage space) : 31×31×28mm Material : maple, keyaki(zelkova), walnut,black cherry, e.t.c. About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Deception box by Mr. Hiroshi Iwahara
This looks like just a normal simple box, but people can be easily deceived by the visual information and with the hinges you will instantly assume that the lid flips open just like other normal boxes do, but wrong! The mechanism is very simple and easy to open, but it can also be educational i.e. how people can be mislead by what they see, so it opens up an eye of new insight to how box can be opened. It is beautifully made with the teak wood. ** There are several types of Yosegi. However, you cannot choose one. You will receive one of them. Craftsman : Hiroshi Iwahara Size (box body) : 78×90×66mm Size (strage space) : 46×55×21mm Material : teak, camphor tree, etc. About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Whale Type-1 karakuri puzzle box
This cute little whale was created by Mr. Osamu Kasho. Although it is not that hard to open the box, it will be a cute display item on your desk or shelf. Moreover the mechanism is very interesting. The inside of the box is very small, but you can still hide something valuable to you in it. Craftsman : Osamu Kasho Size (box body) : 69×113×50㎜ Size (storage space) : 34×16×20㎜ Material :walnut, mizuki (dogwood) About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Sakura mochi puzzle box by Akio Kamei
What is so unique about this box is its appearance, Sakura mochi. Sakura means cherry and mochi means sticky rice sweet with sweet bean paste inside. The details are also beautiful decorated with the cherry petals and the cherry leaf is wrapped around the mochi. The leaf of the cherry tree is wood inlay made by Haruo Uchiyama. It can be opened with only one action, but it is actually hard to open unless you know the answer. This will be a perfect display object for your desk or shelf! Produced :Akio Kamei Size (box body) : 140x120x42 mm Size (storage part) :30x8x14mm Material : mizuki (dogwood), rose wood, oak. About shipping As for this box, we recommend to use EMS, because it is safe and faster, but we can also use the cheaper e packet service if you want, but the insurance is upto 6,000yen, so when there is any damage, or being lost, it will not be fully insured with epacket, but it will be fully insured with EMS. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Ring box 2-2 by Hideaki Kawashima
The puzzle boxes created by Mr. Kawashima tend to be mechanical and often involves many steps to open, but his ring box is not really a storage box, but the aim of this box is to remove the ring inside. The rings on the top of the lid are not drawing, but it are inlaid and it comes with the metal ring. The first lid opens easily just like a normal box, but once you open the lid, you will notice that a ring is already stored in it, but the ring does not come off easily by pulling it. How can you remove it? That is the goal. He does not recommend this box to be used for other rings of your own, because it might break the ring or the box itself, but it would be a perfect present if you can put the ring of your choice for engagement etc, but with your own risk. I assume that as long as it is simple and thin ring without a huge stone, you will be able to put it inside. Craftsman : Hideaki Kawashima Size (box body) : 55 ×55 ×41mm Size (strage space) : 41 ×41 ×14mm Material : purple heart, maple, keyaki (zelkova), cloth About shipping As for this box, we recommend to use EMS, because it is safe and faster, but we can also use the cheaper e packet service if you want, but the insurance is upto 6,000yen, so when there is any damage, or being lost, it will not be fully insured with epacket, but it will be fully insured with EMS. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged. But this box is fairly light, so you can add some more boxes with the same shipping cost as long as the weight is bellow 500g.
Twin 5 box by Mr. Hideaki Kawashima
This work was created for an exhibition on the theme of "Karakuri Experiments" by Mr. Hideaki Kawashima. It opens with only three movements and the first two movements are easy, but the last movement is tricky, so every time I try to open the box, I fail to find the last move... Funny. I wonder why I always forget... It is nicely made with two torn colors and beautiful work of art. Craftsman : Hideaki Kawashima Size (box body) : 72x72x72mm Size (strage space) : 44x44x24mm (Two parts) Material : maple, wendge, magnolia, keyaki (zelkova), padoauk About shipping There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet. EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured. Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Kurukuru heart puzzle box
This kurukuru heart puzzle box was created by Mr. Tatsuo Miyamoto, a legendary craftsman. Kurukuru literally means rotating, which is the important clue to open the box. This box has two compartments and the second box can be opened with only four moves, so it is not that hard to open, but very romantic box, so very popular box as a gift. The size is 14×6×6cm About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Drawer with a tree karakuri puzzle box
The drawer with a tree is a remake version of the past collection called A box with a tree. That box was my favorite box and it was really hard to open. I had been asking the craftsman to make the box again and finally it came out with the different design! It is still hard to open, but somewhat it is a little easier to operate. The two wooden plates on the drawer slide and to unlock the drawer how you operate these two plates is important. It would be the best to solve this box with a group of people. This is beautifully made like a piece of furniture and the simple design will fit into any interior designs. It would be a nice decoration on you table. Size (box body) 99×91×69mm Size (storage part) 68×58×28mm Material keyaki(zelkova), magnolia, ancient oak, acrylic board About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Covered chimney by Hiroshi Iwahara
This box was originally created over 15 years ago, but he hadn't had a chance to reproduce it again. He redesigned it with different woods used, so it might have made the box a little easier to open. He said this box was quite popular at an exhibition they held then with the unique moves and also how it opens is surprising. Those of you who obtained his Christmas present 2021 version might have noticed the similarity in the design and the idea actually comes from this box, so this work has also been interesting as a historical value of his puzzle box development, I would say. Craftsman : Hiroshi Iwahara Size (box body) : 84×84×85mm Size (strage space) : 24×24×45mm Material : walnut, maple, zebra wood, wendge, etc. About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Four leaf clover karakuri puzzle box
This box was created from the 9th puzzle box idea competition (Ms. Miharu Suzuki) and I acquired the brand new unboxed one from my personal connection. It is very limited and won't be reproduced in the future, so very rare item. It is easy to open, but it was harder to make than they expected. Just look for the four-leaf clover. But the key is to choose the clover in the correct order. Hand-crafted by Akio Kamei・Kyoko Hoshino (Karakuri Creation Group) Size: 150×100×68 mm Materials: keyaki (zelkova), purple heart, magnolia About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
5 times 5 times 5 karakuri puzzle box
This box is made by Mr. Hiroshi Iwahara as a part of the Aquarius series and 5 x 5 x 5 = 125, so this box opens with 125 moves. #6 plate opens in 1 step, and others open in 3 steps. Finally, the #1 plate will come off to open. Well, in fact, the move of this item is “2 to the 7th power minus 3”, not “5 to the 3rd power”. This mathmatical box was very difficult for me, but I thoroughly enjoyed fidlling with it and I somehow managed to open it without cheating! How refreshing is that, when you open it without any help! The inner space of the box is very small, but the mechanical area of the box is beautiful and I personally enjoy looking at the details of the mechanism. Craftsman : Hiroshi Iwahara Size (box body) : 8.7×8.7×8.7 cm Size (strage space) : 2.9×2.9×2.9 cm Materials : birch, red sandalwood About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Skyscrapers Karakuri puzzle box
The skyscraper karakuri puzzle box has 5 buildings on the top of the drawer and you can change the height of each building. You will be able to open the drawer when the heights of the buildings are fixed as they are originally intended. It is not that difficult to open the box once you find out the clue, but the mechanism is very unique and that is what makes this box so special about. Craftsman : Osamu Kasho Size (box body) : 100x115x73mm Size (strage space) : 75x57x45mm Material :Japanese walnut, wendge, chanchin, kmaple, oak, cherry About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
Planet with a ring karakuri puzzle box
This box was designed for an exhibition, which theme was “Space” and it hasn't been reproduced since then. I could acquire the unboxed brand new one from my personal connection. It is very rare and limited. The motif is the planet Saturn. When the box is put on the stand, it's the same axial tilt as Saturn. A planetary ring makes it harder to open. This work has two small storage spaces. Size: 121×112×95mm (Boxwith a stand ) 121×121×67mm (Only box) Materials: magnolia, cherry,maple, walnut, zebrawood About shipping As for the box with this size, EMS is the only option we ship. When you purchase 1 box, the shipping cost is as displayed, but when you order more than one, the shipping cost will vary depending on the total weight, so additional shipping cost will be charged.
MA by So Shi Te is an interior goods store specializing in all things made in Japan and we have a real store in Tokyo (HP: ).
(Instagram: )
At the store we have wide variety of products from various parts of Japan, but on this online store,
we mainly provide Japanese karakuri puzzle boxes and himitsubako secret boxes.
The price is based on tax free prices, so you can order only from outside of Japan. For the order to deliver within Japan, please visit our main HP for the domestic online stores.
<<For International Shipping>>
For the shipping methods, you can choose either EMS or e packet services.
EMS is the fastest and the most reliable way of shipping taking from 2 to 4 days for the delivery depending on the country you are living and it is fully insured.
e packet is the cheaper option taking 4 to 7 days for the delivery depending on your country and the
insurance is up to 6,000yen, but it is a lot cheaper than EMS. So any orders for the value of less than
6,000yen, e packet is a better option to choose.
The cost of shipping is only for 1 piece and when you want to add more than 2 items, we will notify you the correct shipping charge and we will send you the payment request afterward.
Should you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us from the contact page.
Address: 2-22-15 Kuriyama bld 1st floor, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 107-0062
Phone: +81-3-3401-0922
Opening hours: 11:00 - 19:00 (Japan time) Until 18:30 on weekends and national holidays.
English speaking staff is available, so please feel free to contact us during the shop opening hours.
107-0062 東京都港区南青山2-22-15クリヤマビル1F
営業時間: 11:00 - 19:00