
New Himitsubako No.4

¥12,500 tax included

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This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

New Himitsubako series is called new because unlike the traditional himitsubako, all 6 plates slide (but only the last one opens).

New Himitsubako No.4 is the hardest of the New Himitsubako series and it takes 32 slides to open. Unlike other New Himitsubako, you have to go backward to move forward, so that is what this box very complicated.

External size:8x8x8cm
Internal size: 4x4x4.5cm

About shipping
There are two ways of shipping; EMS and e packet.
EMS is the fastest taking only 2 to 4 days depending on your country and it is fully insured.
Epacket is the cheaper option but it will take 4 to 7 days for the delivery and the insurance is upto 6,000yen, but the shipping cost is a lot cheaper.

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¥12,500 tax included
